Monday, April 26, 2010

We Are the Ship: The Story of Negro League Baseball, Corretta Scott King Award Book

Nelson, K. (2008). We are the ship: The story of negro league baseball. New York: NY. Hyperion Books for Children.
This book is the story of determined athletes and owners to overcome the barriers of race on and off the baseball field. This book talks about the lives of the baseball players, and how they were treated and disrespected because of the color of their skin. This book tells the story of the real heroes of baseball. Actually, one of my students was reading this book and I asked to check it out after he was finished. This book makes you want to cry when you read about the lives that these men lead each day. They wanted so badly to play and to break down the walls of racism. The Negro Baseball League began in the 1920's and ended when Jackie Robinson crossed over to the major's in 1947.

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